My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Shoe Dilemma: Desperate Need for Solution

As I am cleaning out my closet and deciding what to keep and what to pitch, I have once again realized just how many pairs of shoes I own....and it's a big number. I've been making some hard decisions and getting rid of some shoes that I just don't wear as often as I thought I would or ones that are too worn out.

But here is my dilemma, as I am getting rid of shoes, I want more shoes to replace them. Just the other day I got an email about a sale where select shoes were only $15. I then went to the website, browsed the sale selection, and because of my size and preferences, ended up with about 5 pairs of shoes in my shopping bag....however I gave it more thought. Did I really want to pay that much for shoes right now when I am trying to save for rent and school textbooks? No. So instead of clicking buy I weeded my shoes down to one pair, a pair of cute heeled wedges that looked as if a Monet painting was printed on them with blues and purples mixing wonderfully with the flowers. However, there were only 4 pairs left and I just couldn't decide if I wanted to buy them. First of all I have never ordered off of the website before and I hate not trying shoes on, what if they didn't fit and were uncomfortable? All sale item purchases were final. While I was trying to make a decision it went down to only 1 pair left in my size, finally pushing me to enter all my information because I knew I would love wearing these shoes. Suddenly, instead of a nice page declaring I had managed to snag the last pair, the screen told me the page hadn't been able to load because the internet was down. I had lost my chance at snagging the shoes. I took it as a sign, I wasn't meant to spend my money on those shoes, but maybe I will be able to find an even better pair.

The shoes I really really wanted to buy.
So, for now I will continue to just get rid of items and try my best not to add anything new for awhile. At the moment I am trying to save up my money (and I do have a separate fund for when I find the perfect dream pair of Louboutin heels) and not buy new clothes or shoes. Though, checking out Goodwill never hurts. :)

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