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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Documentary Shedding Light on Why Women Love Shoes

A while ago I watched a documentary titled "God Save My Shoes" and I loved it so much I watched it again the night after. I don't know why it's taken me this long to write about it, it's a great documentary and very informational. 

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“God Save My Shoes,” a documentary by Julie Benasra, illustrates the connections between women and high heels. It explores and reveals the intimate and passionate relationship women can form with their high heels and why they feel that way. According to Fran Lidz, the documentary “takes a soft look at the psychological, soci-cultural and erotic power of vertiginous footwear” (Lidz). The documentary sheds light on the main question, “Why are shoes the most addictive item in a women’s closet? Why are women so intrigued?” For me, I love high heels I think they are a quick and easy way to transform any outfit into something glamorous and wonderful. They can boost my confidence and make me feel amazing and more confident than just trotting around in flats. Don’t get me wrong, I love flats (I love shoes in general), I just love all of my heels and more. Like some women in the documentary, I love to look at my shoes, put them on display in a way. I may not wear some more than once or a few times a year, but nevertheless I own them and I like showing them off to people.  In Lidz’s article it’s written that, ““High heels have a high transformational quotient,” Valerie Steele, curator of the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, said by phone. “Try on a bathing suit in a boutique, and the unforgiving dressing room mirror reflects your same old self, exposing all your flaws. But try on a shoe, and your foot slips into a whole new identity”” (Lidz). I completely agree with this, many times I try on clothing in a store and it can completely ruin my mood if I have a bad fit experience, or something I envisioned goes awry and my ideal outfit can’t happen. However, when I try on heels, the possibilities are endless, the ideas flow and I have hope for potential outfits that would work or wear I could wear them. Personally, I am not always a huge fan of trying on things, but when I walk past the shoe section, something always catches my eye. In the words of Carrie from “Sex and the City,” “I like my money right where I can see it…hanging in my closet.” Someday I hope to create a pair of heels or a dress, or something that can make a woman somewhere feel absolutely amazing and confident and beautiful. That’s why I want to be a designer, that’s what this documentary made me feel, I want to make women feel beautiful and know that they can look fabulous and gorgeous and it’s not hard and doesn’t take any fussing and barely any effort. Beauty from within, and for me, shoes kind of help me feel that way. When I know I’m wearing the right shoes for the day, I feel like I can conquer the world. I highly recommend this documentary for anyone interested in learning some fun facts, listening to interviews with designers (even Christian Louboutin) and seeing different inputs from a wide variety of people about why women love high heels.

Works Cited 
Lidz, Fran. "Funny, You Don’t Look Fetish ‘God Save My Shoes,’ a Documentary About High Heels." The New
York Times: Movies. N.p., 23 Mar 2012. Web. 6 Jun 2013. <>.

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