My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Inspirational People #4 *Spoiler Alert For Those Who Don't Know What Legally Blonde Is*

While she is just a character in a book, 2 movies, and Broadway musical, she has been one of my female role models and source of personal inspiration ever since I saw the first movie forever ago. She's a smart blonde who proves everyone's expectations wrong, just the quote "It just felt like, for the first time, that someone expected me to do something more with my life than just become a Victoria's Secret model," illustrates how she's able to take on any challenge if she sets her mind to it. She's Elle Woods, the Delta Nu sorority president who went from having a 4.0 and majoring in Fashion to getting a 179 on her LSATs and going to Harvard. First impressions are everything and her big move from the West coast to the East was a big change for her, causing her to not only be an outcast for the first time, but struggle to win her man back. I loved how she refused to change her entire self in order to win Warner back, she stays the bright, bubbly, blonde with a love of pink and nail care. She may have gone to Harvard to win him back, but she proves she's meant to be there, not right away but after a little bit of time and hard work. She changes her wardrobe, less pink and more "mature lawyer clothing" rather than all the sparkles and fur. However, at the end when she takes on the case by herself she is true to herself and shows up in a pink dress and sparkly high heels.

Elle Woods when she arrives at Harvard with her
little dog Bruiser.
Elle Woods is an inspiration to me because she illustrates how important it is to be yourself and how sometimes the crazy journey to your original plan can completely alter your ending (how she fell in love with Emmett and refused Warner). Being a smart blonde is another reason. I'm blonde and I face a lot of stereotypes, especially since I'm in fashion design. It's not the other people in fashion that hold the dumb blonde stereotype (there's always exceptions though) it's usually the people who not only think fashion design is an easy major and has no importance in life, but those who also think blondes are just generally dumb. Well, like Elle Woods, I proved myself to be an exception. I won't go into my accomplishments but I am definitely not a dumb blonde and could probably succeed in any field (with enough determination like Elle) but fashion is where I want to be and it's what makes me happy, which is  why I want to be apart of the industry.

She's not necessarily my go-to girl for inspiration in my sketches, but sometimes when i'm questioning whether or not I should be pursuing a career in fashion I can think of how she took risks to get what she wanted, though what she wanted changed along the way. In conclusion, the fictional character Elle Woods, is very inspirational for when the going gets rough and you need some reminder that you can do anything you set your mind to with enough determination and effort (and a fabulous wardrobe to boot :) ).

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