My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Costume Shop Progress & More

The books I got
to use for research.
Right now in the costume shop we are almost done organizing the boxes and totes. As we might start going through them on Monday, if not then Tuesday for sure. On Thursday we were almost done so I was emptying totes up on the counter tops (where the sewing area will be) which were full of random clothing and unsorted fabric. After we get the costume shop organized and completely finished I am sure we will try and tackle organizing the fabric section in the other room in a better way than it is right now.

As for helping with the costume designer (my boss) for her show for a different theater company, I am making a ruff this weekend. Well hopefully I'll finish it this weekend. I'd like to at least have a mock up of a ruff so she can see if she likes it or not. 

Along with that I have been given the choice to remake some of the dresses! They let me take home one of the sewing machines and an iron and I can pick whichever dresses out of the prom, nonspecific, Victorian, or empire waists and combine them to make more historic looking dresses. As of now I have two maroon empire waist dresses, some patterns that I might use, thread, and a lot of books to help me. I am hoping to make a dress with a Watteau back but I'm not entirely sure about my plan yet. However, I might as well try because Sheri and Ella said it's okay if I mess up and we have to get rid of it because we have way too much anyways. It's just a great way to practice a form of sustainability, trying to make new dresses out of what we already have rather than completely starting from scratch. I'm pretty excited about this and I'll write a different post on it with progress pictures once I have finalized my ideas for it.

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