My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Interview With A Purdue Friend #2 Featuring Michelle Holz

Michelle and I were in the same Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) group the week before classes started for our freshman year. The first time I met her I knew I wanted to be friends with her, she just gave off a good vibe. She had a shirt that had a calculus formula on it (also looked like the f word & calc) and she seemed generally nice and funny. She's a redhead, complains about the sun, has a great sense of humor, loves Avatar, her favorite color is green, and she is pretty much a master at doing her hair and nails in really cool ways. During freshman year we hung out all the time; we went to work out, to dinner, and we were homework buddies. This coming fall we'll both be in the same french class (probably get in trouble for talking too much) and we plan on hanging out all the time, especially to do our homework. Besides just interviewing her, I will be posting a little "How-To" piece that Michelle has created and we've together on for a really cool nail design.

Here is my interview with Michelle:

Why Purdue? What are you studying/majoring in? And why?
My parents went to Purdue and it has always felt like home. I’m studying Biological Engineering and Food Processing, because I find it interesting and want to be about of that industry.

What was your favorite class this past year/& or hardest and why?
I loved my History of Alchemy class. It was mostly just learning about symbols and their histories, and how they came to be used in alchemy. The class was very easy, but still interesting and really fun to attend.

Michelle (L) and I (R) were inducted into Honor Society
for our great GPAs from our freshman year.
What were you involved in on campus? (clubs, choirs, etc.)
I was a member of the University Choir.

What would you say is your dream job?
Head Curator at either the Smithsonian Museum of American History or the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.

If you could travel anywhere for a semester abroad (money isn't a problem) where would you go, what would you study, and why?
France, to study the wine making processes at French country wineries. Because right now I want to take my degree into the wine making industry, and I've also always wanted to go to France.

How would you describe your personal style?
Colorful and comfortable. And I like weird accessories, or odd little additions. That why I like to paint my nails in such eye-catching ways. It’s all in the details.
Michelle (R) and me (L) just hanging out.
We had straightened Michelle's hair
and it had taken forever!

What are your favorite stores to shop at?
Kohl’s, JC Penny’s, and Macy’s. 

What’s your must-have accessory?
Bracelets of any kind.

What is your go-to outfit?
Green skinny jean capris and whatever shirt I feel like putting with it. And black ballet flats.

How are you spending your summer before sophomore year?
At summer school at Purdue. I’m taking Calc 2 and Chemistry.

What made you love doing your hair/nails/makeup; is there a back story to why you’re amazing and why you enjoy doing them?
I like doing my nails for a couple reasons. First, I kind of enjoy getting complements on them when I've done an especially good job. It makes me feel proud of my work. I also like to paint my nails after I've had a particularly stressful week. It’s very soothing to completely concentrate on something simple and make everything juuust right.

What is your favorite hairstyle?
I like my hair best when it’s down and has a little side braid to get the hair in the front out of my eyes.

When you’re running late in the morning what is your routine? Ex) do you skip eye make-up but do your hair in a pretty way? Something along those lines, what do you skip if you don’t have the ideal amount of time to get ready?
When I’m running late I throw on some shorts and a t-shirt, put my hair into a side-braid, and very carefully put on my eye-make up. I don’t wear any other make-up, but I love putting on eye-shadow and mascara. They make my eyes pop.  

What’s your favorite nail polish color/ & or decoration/design?
I like my nails bright green since that’s my favorite color, so any kind of pattern of green, maybe some sparkles here and there. Or, I just go with black and gold, I’m always looking for new gold or black polish for a good old Boilermaker them.

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