My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Clean Closet, Clean Room, Now What?

I posted a while ago about how I was going to clean out my closet (go here to read more: Cleaning Out the Closet). Well, now I'm going to share some pictures of the cleaning process and the outcome, well of my closet anyways. I didn't take an after picture of my room because since then it has slowly morphed into organized chaos again.
Anyways, here are the pictures:
To start off, here is what my room looked like right before I started cleaning. I just have piles of stuff scattered throughout my bedroom.

And here is a "cleaning-in-process" picture. My way to clean is to put everything in one spot and simply put it away. However, if you're like me and get easily distracted you may not want to use your bed as the spot to put everything because when it's time for bed and you haven't finished putting it all away you have to put everything on the floor and then your room is a mess all over again.

And it's slowly getting organized. Things are stacked, sorted, and cleaned up.
And my closet looks neat and is actually organized by sleeve length and dressy level. This means all my tank tops are together, short sleeve, long sleeve. And within those they're sort of sorted (at least my long sleeve shirts are sorted) by dressiness, if I would wear them to an interview or just day wear. Also my sweaters and jackets are behind my long sleeve shirts.

So, as you can see, my room is definitely better than how it was in the beginning but it's still not perfect. It's lived in, organized chaos, which fits me perfectly. When it starts to bother me I will simply clean it again. I went through all of my clothes, reorganized my dresser (as well as my closet), and now have a tub or more of clothing and shoes to get rid of. I still have to sort those into which I'm going to sell or donate, but I still have time.

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