Me before going to Honor Society
inductions with my friend Michelle. |
Since my 2nd year at Purdue is about to begin soon (well a little over a month) I've been thinking about my first year and how great it really was to be at Purdue. I learned a lot and took a variety of classes, some of which were very challenging for me and I had to work extra hard to pull off a good grade. I managed to snag straight As my fall semester and all As and 1 B my spring semester. These grades allowed me to be inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta/Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, make Dean's List both semesters, and keep my scholarships for another year. I ended my first year with a GPA of 3.89 out of 4.0 and a lot of credit hours. Besides academics I learned a lot of skills. In the spring I took beginning drawing and over the course of the semester my techniques improved and my final pieces were better than I ever thought they would turn out. In sewing I learned a lot of things I never knew before: stitches and seams and names for what seemed like everything. I was able to sew a dress, skirt, and detachable collar for the fashion show in the spring and at the fashion show I was awarded the PFA (Purdue Fashion Association) Freshman Scholarship. I made a skirt, a not so amazing button down shirt, and worked with leather. In addition to these, I dealt with public speaking in COM114 (I like creating speeches just not 100% comfortable giving them) and I experienced 2 large classes; Sociology was a class of over 400 and Nutrition was at least 200, though the only time everyone would be there was for exams.
From Left to Right: Me, Allison, Yasmeen, and Michelle at a
Purdue football game. |
I ran for a lot of positions and applied for various jobs and positions. I didn't get a leadership position for next year for Honor Society, I am an alternate for being an ambassador for my college (Health and Human Sciences), and I didn't get the desk job at the dorm I interviewed with. However, I was selected to be a host for the Consumer Sciences and Retailing Career Fair and I am secretary for PFA next year. I think all of the experience I gained from my numerous interviews and my communications class led me to being more confident when applying for summer jobs. I'm sure all of this helped me land my great job at Express this summer.
I hung out with my friends and had a lot of "Avatar" marathons and a lot of cheese sticks. We went to football games, basketball games (only the IU vs Purdue game though), worked out, had pretty much every meal together, and we even had random sleepovers in each others' rooms. We went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show around Halloween, studied for finals together (lots of coffee and junk food), and went on adventures a few times. I worked in the dining court with my friends at one point (though everyone quit eventually). We had a tight knit group thanks to BGR (Boiler Gold Rush) and we all made friends outside of that too!
I am looking forward to this coming year. I have an apartment and it's going to be a wonderfully decorated apartment, I'm taking French with another close friend (
Michelle), and of course I'm super pumped for all my apparel related classes and learning even more! My friends and I plan on eating dinners together and hanging out now that we all won't be living in the same dorm and we'll be scattered over campus and off campus.
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