My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

LCF Grades Arrived!

I finally got my grades back from my study abroad semester at the London College of Fashion! I've been really anxious about getting them because the grading system for London is different than the US. I'm really proud of what I managed to pull off, it's not straight A's like I had wanted but it's close and that's great. During orientation we were told that barely any A+'s were given and that no one ever got straight A's, so even just getting an A+ is amazing!
I managed to get an A+ in Corsetry, an A in Fashion, History, Art & Artifact (my journal was graded for this class) as well as an A in British Cultural Studies. Then I got 3 B+'s: Theoretical & Contemporary Fashion Studies, Creative Footwear, and Mastering Millinery. Overall I'm pretty thrilled with the results of the semester. I know my journal turned out well and that's such a relief. Also to see I did well enough with my presentations, mainly my pecha kutcha and then my shoe collection presentation. I'm just in awe of actually doing well since I wasn't really prepared for a different grading system and how they get transferred into credits at Purdue and go in with my GPA. Hopefully I manage to do well my last year & finish strong! 

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