My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Supposed to be Relaxing...

So now that exams are over you think I'd be chilling and relaxing, and I am, but I'm stressing just a little about grades. All semester I have been worried about grades slipping because of having 19 credits hours and 2 jobs that I put a lot of effort into. As of now I know I have an A+ for my mentor class, and A in Intro to Retail, and A+ in Consumer Behavior and a B in my art class (AD114). Which isn't bad at all, though I wish I got a little more than just a 4.0 for A+s. However, I am still waiting for my Apparel Design, Econ, and French 202 classes. I am worried that i'll get a C in Econ and that maybe I won't do so hot in French either. Though I had completely forgotten that if you miss 3 or less French classes you get an entire 1% added to your end I have an 88% now and if I end with an 89% then I get a 90% and get an A-, which is still an A! And as of now I'm not missing a lot of points in my design class and I know I got over 40pts of extra credit, so I am (hopefully) getting an A.

So not too horrible, but my application to London College of Fashion is mostly my GPA and academic achievements because we only send in 5 pictures of our work. It's a little stressful but if I get into London for design I think it'll all be worth it.

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