My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Retail Classes

This semester I am taking a required Introduction to Retail Management course. So far it's not so bad, granted I've only had the class twice. I have the class on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour and fifteen minutes each time. However, almost every Tuesday we do not have class and instead have "Home Assignments" in which we either do the assignment by ourselves or with our group. Then, on Thursdays, we have our lectures in which we cover a chapter from the book.

Today we had our first assignment and it's a group paper. We had to visit a retail store and take notes on a variety of topics such as price, customer service, merchandise available, location, and stored design and display. My group decided to use a library cafe as our retail store for our paper. We discussed all of the topics and each person is assigned one specific topic to write at least a half page paragraph on it. After everyone emails me their portions I will them compile all of the paragraphs into our paper and insert transition sentences and just make sure everything runs smoothly within the paper. The paper is due at the end of class Thursday but we'll have it all done tomorrow night, and without meeting again.

So far from this assignment I have learned a few things:
  1. I like my group; we get along very well and it's easy to bounce ideas off each other and no one has a super strong bossy personality so we mesh well together.
  2. I think this class will be relatively easy if the rest of the assignments continue to be like this fist assignment.
  3. I understand a lot of the material but I don't want to have my career be retail focused. I love the design aspect way too much.
Stay tuned for more short reports on retail classes, who knows, I may start to slowly love retail (though I highly doubt I would ever switch my major).

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