With my costume design internship coming to an end tomorrow I've decided to do a little recap on what exactly I've been doing with my last "free" summer.
At the beginning of the summer.
CUTC Costume Shop. |
Costume Design Internship:
I've been working for the Champaign Urbana Theater Company in their costume section. I've been working with my boss on going through the entire costume shop and setting up an organization method so that CUTC can start and maintain a costume rental to others (schools, theater companies, costume designers, etc) in the community. So far we've gone through a solid half of the costumes, well at least all of the hanging goods as well as a few groups of donations. After that we tackled the boxed items and implemented an organization method that required us moving all the boxes for a couple of weeks until everything was in its right place. We haven't gone through the hats or all of the boxes, so my boss may be taking on another intern after I leave to finish going through the boxes. Besides creating and implementing the organization methods for the costume shop, i have aided my manager with two plays she was the costume designer for this summer. I made a ruff for "The Fantasticks" as well as helped pick pieces from the costume shop that she ended up using in the show. I helped pull pieces from our stock as well as from Parkland College's costume shop for "Hay Fever" and I helped sew pieces like a collar for the maid's apron and fixing the hem on the smoking jacket as well as tacking down the sleeves. Overall, I have had an amazing internship and not a single day did I complain. I came home to my boyfriend and told him everything about my day even if he wasn't interested. I'm really glad I landed this internship (I'm their first intern so it was kind of a big deal). I'm hoping that if I decide to do grad school and pick to go here in Champagne, IL that I'll be able to volunteer or intern with CUTC.
Fashion A Magazine, Fashion Writer Internship:
What started out as a feature of me in their June issue as an apparel designer ended up with an awesome internship that is still going on right now. Then I go tot work with their social media and posted relevant articles and more for the magazine. My internship includes me writing fashion pieces for the magazine's website as well as posting updates, articles, etc for their social media platforms. As of now the end of my internship is uncertain, it's never been mentioned so I'm just rolling with it. I write as many pieces as I can with my time outside of my costume internship. I love writing for the magazine's website because I genuinely enjoy the topics and what the magazine is all about. It's definitely worth checking out if you haven't: fashionamag.com
Saw "Hay Fever" in their
dress rehearsal. |
Well in my free time, which I feel like I haven't managed to the best I could have, I have been reading like crazy and taking notes. It's mainly been over costume design related topics for future use if I need a really good reference. Besides taking full advantage of the library here, I've been attempting to work on my senior collection (way too many ideas and not enough narrowing them down) and to work on sewing projects (no luck). All in all I've had a great summer and I did spend some lovely sunny days by the pool but in the next couple weeks it's going to get really hectic. So stay tuned for news!