My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Moving, Packing And Cleaning

I will be moving out of my first apartment in a few weeks and as the date is coming closer I find myself thinking about cleaning out my closet and room even more. I will be moving back into the dorms the weekend before classes, either on August 22nd or the 23rd. I managed to snag a single room in Hawkins Hall and I know my closet will be smaller than the one in my apartment and that I will be downsizing in my dresser size. My room comes with a bed, dresser, desk, chair, and a few other things, but I know the dresser space will be smaller. I know I'll only need to be packing enough for the fall semester (hopefully I'll be studying abroad in the spring) but I will still need both warm and cold weather items, plus my winter coat and some boots.

I have so many options I really just want to narrow them down. One way I'm thinking about doing this is by getting rid of even more of my clothing. I already have a tote full of stuff I need to donate/sell but I can't until I get home and see what the consignment shops there say about the pieces. I also know I can't take everything with me to London in the spring, so by not having so many choices I can help myself when the time comes to pack for a whole semester abroad. Also, I know I'll buy clothing while in London and I'll need the space when I get home. 

After moving out of my apartment I will be going through all of my clothing at home and then making the final decisions about all of it before trying to sell or simply donate my things. It should be fun, but also a little nerve wrecking because sometimes I can't get rid of things nor do I handle change well. But I am really looking forward to cleaning out my closet and making more space for the future. We shall see what happens! I'll post more about what I'm getting rid of and my final decisions and more about packing for my 3rd year at Purdue.

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