My online portfolio: Malotke Designs.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer Plans Turning Into Fall Plans

As summer is winding down, well my time here staying at Purdue, I've begun to think about that list of all the things I wanted to do during the summer and how I've failed miserably at achieving those goals. I had a lot of projects I wanted to get done, such as sewing dresses and working on my portfolio. However, I underestimated how much time my summer courses would require and between the classes and my job my free time is limited. Part of me wishes I could stay past August 5th, but the other part is ready for an actual break- no classes and no work until August 25th. It will be nice to just chill and not think about art projects or management homework or exams. I do wish I was able to do more of my personal projects, like make my bustle so I could start working on the skirt, or just make dresses I have both the pattern and fabric for, but I didn't do any of those projects. 
Sewing wise I've only made a shirt and serged a scarf. Portfolio wise I have actually done something! My manager at work (I work at Charming Charlie) suggested I start taking photos of the work I do for our visual displays and that I could use it in my portfolio. I'm not entirely sure she knows what I need/want in my portfolio, but I do like the idea of having some of the hands on work experience showcased in my portfolio. In my portfolio there will be all of my sewing projects, with descriptions, inspiration pages, and sketches, but after she suggested I take the photos it got me thinking that I do more than just sewing that I should showcase and share in my portfolio. So now I think I'll have a visual display section with information on Charming Charlie, like what kind of company they are and their target market, and then I'll also do a section featuring what I think are my best articles from CollegeFashionista. If you've missed some of my posts you can check out my articles here.
I think I've done a lot with my time spent here, it just wasn't what I had originally planned out for myself. I am glad I've had the opportunity for some quality work experience, both in retail and writing articles. Maybe after I go home I'll sew some stuff, but for now I plan on doing my projects in the fall since I won't have a sewing class.

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