It's been a while since I've written, about a month or so, and I'm ready to get back into and make some time for more articles.
I've moved into a dorm on campus, a single room that is super tiny. It's nice and cozy though. I didn't bring a lot of my sewing stuff since it takes up a lot of space.
I'm taking 19 credit hours. My classes include CAD, Showcase, being a Peer Mentor again for CSR100, French 302, Intro to French Literature, an Advertising class, a computer class, and then my design internship credit.
I'm no longer working at Charming Charlie or writing for ColleeFashionista (that was just a summer long internship). I'm back to working at Levy for football games and catering events. I am, however, interning for the Costume Shop here at Purdue. It's great! It's an unpaid design internship but it's in PAO and I get 10+ hours a week. I'm doing 1 credit worth, so 140 hours, this semester and then the other credit next fall. I'll do a post on my interview process soon.
I'm in the process of finishing my application for London College of Fashion. I'm waiting on my letters of recommendation from my 2 professors and then I'll be submitting it! I'll write more about my application when I have it all put together and finalized.
I'll be posting about the project I have to do this semester for Showcase involving sustainability in fashion.
As of now I'm just trying to get awesome grades, get quality sleep, and not get whatever virus is going around on campus. Stay tuned for more!