In the article Milligan explains how the "Child models in New York- that is, those under the age of 16- will now be afforded the same protection offered to other young performers, such as actors and singers" (Milligan). I think it's great to have a definite age for when a model is a child vs. "adult". Also, parts of the laws make complete sense to me. For example, "A responsible person will be designated to monitor the activity and safety of each child performer under the age of 16 in the workplace" is almost common sense to me, an adult should be watching the child and making sure they are okay and nothing bad happens (Milligan). I also like how "An education requirement decrees that employers must provide teachers and a dedicated space for instruction" (Milligan). I would hope that children could be able to still continue their education while working and that they would be able to do schooling and modeling without having to sacrifice an education that could benefit them later on in life after modeling. I am new to this specific topic and I'm not sure what laws, if any, existed before these, but I'm glad they are putting child models in with performers (singers and actors) because they are performing and they are working just like the other children.
Works Cited
Milligan, Lauren. "The Model Laws." Vogue News.
23 10 2013: n. page. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.