Hello again, it's been forever. Life here at college is everything I thought it would be and more. I'm loving my classes and I have great friends, from multiple majors too, not just in apparel design. My friends in apparel design however, are amazing and all of us are so different it's awesome. Each of our styles are unique and we each bring something different to the table, it's wonderful how easily we all mesh though.
Out of my 7 classes this semester, 3 were specific to my major: Intro to CSR (Consumer Sciences & Retailing), Apparel Equipment, and Intro the Apparel Industry. In the first one we mainly talked about our major, how to survive freshman year, and how to make sure we feel we're where we're supposed to be. In the second one we were taught how to thread a surger, use the various sewing machines (button making, zig zag, etc.), and make sure we know the rules of the lab. In the last one we learned everything from the past 100 years of fashion history, to designers (old & new), to trends, to how to think like a designer, to textiles (over 125 too!), to colors, to the importance of knowing types of hats, parts of a men's suits, ant the cuts for stones for jewelry. This semester has been amazing and I can't believe I had this much fun.
Next semester I have to buckle down and stay organised and motivated. On top of taking 6 classes (18 credit hours) the fashion show is in April! I'm taking Showcase, which is for the fashion show, and I'm taking Apparel Assembly, which is a sewing class & lab. Luckily I have one of best friends as my model for the show & we live in the same dorm so I can bug her anytime I want to work on my design. Though, to be honest, I have no idea what I'm going to make for the fashion yet. I have to figure it out over Winter break though because I need to buy fabric and materials. As soon as I figure out what I'm doing I will be posting sketches and rough drafts with details. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I can not wait til April, the show will be amazing.